Massive deforestation, a phenomenon that is increasingly widespread in the world. In order to meet their needs, particularly in agriculture and industry, human beings are rushing into this action which is proving dangerous for the planet, forgetting their first necessity: to preserve their own environment. So what are the real impacts of deforestation on the planet?
Forests are above all a supplier of oxygen, which makes them an indispensable source for all living beings. They are distributed throughout the world, particularly in Latin America, covering about 30% of the land surface, i.e. nearly 40 million km2. The Amazon alone has 5.5 million km2 of surface area. It is considered the largest tropical forest in the world and is known for its rich biodiversity. Nevertheless, this diversity is unfortunately very threatened today and not only in the Amazon but all over the globe, often due to purely human actions: intensive deforestation. Of course, this approach has several consequences, here are the main ones:
Climate change:
Without doubt, global warming is the emergency of the century. It is important to know that the temperature of the Earth has increased by 1°C during the XXe century and will increase, according to studies, by 2 to 5°C by 2100, which is enormous! This significant increase in temperature is due in particular to deforestation, which is among the first causes of greenhouse gas emissions, for two reasons. Firstly because this deforestation process is mainly done by burning whole forests. Secondly, by removing trees, carbon sinks are removed. Moreover, the presence of forests on the Earth contributes to the drop in temperature since it is 4°C lower in a forest sector.
Threat to biodiversity :
Deforestation does not only threaten Man but all living beings. According to the UN, out of eight million animal and plant species, one million could disappear in the coming decades. The main cause? Deforestation. The great forests, especially the Amazon, are a refuge for these species. They then lose their main living conditions in case of disappearance of green spaces. In addition, the ecosystem is based on the balance that exists in nature. In other words, each species depends on the other, including humans. That said, the disappearance of one species can lead to the disappearance or multiplication of another. Moreover, most medicines come from tropical plants that are now endangered. This is therefore dangerous for human health.
Natural disasters :
The richness of the forest guarantees a natural water cycle. It therefore conserves the Earth’s humidity and aquatic resources. The lack of the latter causes drought and even fires. In addition, the elimination of forests, which protect territories from tsunamis, favours floods and landslides, as is the case in Indonesia.
We can now conclude that deforestation leads to disasters that threaten human life. Green spaces are essential to feed and protect all living beings.
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